Magnehelic Gauge 0-60Pa




The Magnehelic gauge is the industry standard to measure fan and blower pressures, filter resistance, air velocity, furnace draft, pressure drop across orifice plates, liquid levels with bubbler systems and pressures in fluid amplifier or fluidic systems. It also checks gas-air ratio controls and automatic valves. A single case size is used for most models of Magnehelic gauges. They can be flush or surface mounted with standard hardware supplied. Although calibrated for vertical position, many ranges above 250pa may be used at any angle by simply re-zeroing. However, for maximum accuracy they must be calibrated in the same position in which they are used. These characteristics make Magnehelic gauges ideal for both stationary and portable applications. A 116mm hole is required for flush panel mounting. Complete mounting and connection fittings, plus instructions are supplied with each instrument.

Product Code:                         PAG-2000-60PA

UKCA Declaration:              PAG-2000-60PA-UKCA


Service:                                Air and non-combustible, compatible gases (natural gas

     option available). Note: May be used with hydrogen.

     Order a Buna-N diaphragm. Pressures must be less than

     35 psi.

Wetted Materials:         Consult factory.

Housing:                               Die cast aluminium case and bezel, with acrylic cover,

      Exterior finish is coated gray to withstand 168 hour salt

      spray corrosion test.

Accuracy:                             ± 2% (-HA model ± 1) of FS (± 3% (-HA ± 1.5%) on -0,

     -100PA, -125PA, -10MM and ± 4% (-HA ± 2%) on -00,

     -60PA, -6MM ranges), throughout range at 70°F


Pressure Limits:               -20 in Hg. to 15 psig. † (-0.677 bar to 1.034 bar);

        MP option: 35 psig (2.41 bar),

        HP option: 80 psig (5.52 bar).

Enclosure Rating:              IP67

Overpressure:                     Relief plug opens at approximately 25 psig (1.72 bar),

         standard gages only.

Temperature Limits:        20 to 140°F (-6.67 to 60°C). -20°F (-28°C) with low

          temperature option.

Size:                                             4″ (101.6 mm) diameter dial face

Mounting Orientation:   Diaphragm in vertical position. Consult factory for

          other position orientations.

Process Connections:       1/8″ female NPT duplicate high- and low-pressure taps

           – one pair side and one pair back.

Standard Accessories:      Two 1/8″ NPT plugs for duplicate pressure taps,

            two 1/8″ pipe thread to rubber tubing adapters and

            three flush mounting adaptors with screws.

            (Mounting and snap ring retainer substituted for three

            adaptors in MP & HP gage accessories).

Agency Approval:                 Meets the technical requirements of EU Directive

             2011/65/EU (RoHS II). Note: -SP models not RoHS


Weight 510 g