Emergency Products
EC Products’ range of emergency products include the EP-TF72 Thermal fuse is for detecting boiler overheat and will cut the supply to a Gas safety valve. It has been designed to give a faster response time than the conventional metal cased fuse, incorporating a 72°C thermal non-re-settable fuse. The housing is rated to 150°C. The EP-TL2 is for installing in a position where a fire hazard may occur, e.g. above boilers and interrupt the electrical supply to a gas valve or alarm. The link consists of a cast aluminium enclosure with a perforated cover having a temperature sensitive fuse. We have a various range of Emergency stop buttons , shrouded – Twist reset & key re-set. The EP-FM1 Fireman Switch is for use in the event of fire or other emergency. Usually located at exits to gas plant rooms, units are key operated 3 position latching switches. A key guard with plastic window is available.

Emergency Stop Button – Twist Reset
Features: ● Twist or key reset versions ● Metal Boxed Versions ● 6A @ 230Vac rated The EP-EM1 range of…

Plastic Shrouded Emergency Stop Button
EP-EM1-PS shrouded emergency stop switches are for use in manual shut down of systems in the event of fire or…

Emergency Stop Button – key reset
Features: ● Twist or key reset versions ● Metal Boxed Versions ● 6A @ 230Vac rated The EP-EM1 range of…

Emergency Stop Button With Hinged Clear Cover
EP-EM1-PSC shrouded emergency stop switches are for use in manual shut down of systems in the event of fire or…

Emergency Stop Button – (twist reset housed in metal box)
Features: ● Twist or key reset versions ● Metal Boxed Versions ● 6A @ 230Vac rated The EP-EM1 range of…

Metal Shrouded Emergency Stop Button
EP-EM1-S emergency stop switches are for use in manual shut down of systems in the event of fire or other…

Emergency Stop Button – (key reset housed in metal box)
Features: ● Twist or key reset versions ● Metal Boxed Versions ● 6A @ 230Vac rated The EP-EM1 range of…

Thermal Link
The EP-TL2 is for installing in a position where a fire hazard may occur, e.g. above boilers and interrupt the…

Thermal Fuse
The EP-TF72 Thermal fuse is for detecting boiler overheat and will cut the supply to a Gas safety valve. It…

3 Position Fireman`s Switch
The EP-FM1 Fireman's Switch is for use in the event of fire or other emergency. Usually located at exits to…

Plant Extension Timer 1…4 Hour 230Vac Or 24Vac
The EP-PET4 timer extension timer is a high output electronic timer which provides control for a wide range of loads. The…

Plant Extension Timer 1…5 hours
The EP-LAP electronic timer switch provides energy saving functionality in ventilation, boiler and lighting installations. It is ideal for applications…

Plant Extension Timer 2…10 hours
The EP-LAP electronic timer switch provides energy saving functionality in ventilation, boiler and lighting installations. It is ideal for applications…